1. 基本运输术语
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
国际运输 | International Shipping |
海运 | Ocean Freight |
空运 | Air Freight |
铁路运输 | Rail Freight |
公路运输 | Road Freight |
多式联运 | Multimodal Transport |
货物运输合同 | Transport Contract |
提单 | Bill of Lading (B/L) |
运单 | Air Waybill (AWB) |
集装箱 | Container |
集装箱运输 | Containerized Shipping |
港口 | Port |
机场 | Airport |
出发港 | Port of Origin |
目的港 | Port of Destination |
运输工具 | Transport Mode |
2. 贸易术语(Incoterms)
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
工厂交货 | Ex Works (EXW) |
卖方自提 | Free Carrier (FCA) |
装运港船上交货 | Free On Board (FOB) |
装运港船上交货,费用付至 | Cost and Freight (CFR) |
装运港船上交货,费用和保险费付至 | Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) |
目的港交货 | Delivered at Place (DAP) |
目的港交货,未清关 | Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU) |
目的港交货,已清关 | Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) |
成本加运费 | Cost and Freight (CFR) |
成本加保险费 | Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) |
3. 货物装卸与包装
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
装卸 | Loading and Unloading |
包装 | Packaging |
标准包装 | Standard Packaging |
特殊包装 | Special Packaging |
托盘 | Pallet |
托盘化 | Palletization |
包装清单 | Packing List |
重量 | Weight |
净重 | Net Weight |
毛重 | Gross Weight |
体积 | Volume |
体积重量 | Volumetric Weight |
4. 货物处理与清关
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
清关 | Customs Clearance |
海关申报 | Customs Declaration |
海关关税 | Customs Duties |
进口许可证 | Import License |
出口许可证 | Export License |
进出口报关单 | Customs Declaration Form |
商检 | Commodity Inspection |
关税 | Tariff |
海关申报单 | Customs Declaration Form |
原产地证书 | Certificate of Origin (CO) |
海关监管 | Customs Supervision |
关税分类 | Tariff Classification |
5. 运输费用与支付
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
运费 | Freight Charges |
装卸费 | Loading and Unloading Fees |
清关费用 | Customs Clearance Fee |
保险费 | Insurance Premium |
货运保险 | Freight Insurance |
付款方式 | Payment Terms |
货到付款 | Cash on Delivery (COD) |
支付条件 | Payment Terms |
信用证 | Letter of Credit (L/C) |
付款单据 | Payment Documents |
6. 运输保险与责任
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
货运保险 | Freight Insurance |
保险单 | Insurance Policy |
运输风险 | Transport Risk |
保险公司 | Insurance Company |
货物损坏 | Cargo Damage |
丢失责任 | Loss Liability |
运费保险 | Freight Insurance Coverage |
全险 | All-Risk Insurance |
特殊险 | Specific Insurance |
自负风险 | Self-Insured Risk |
7. 其他常见术语
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
运单号 | Tracking Number |
船期 | Shipping Schedule |
装运日期 | Shipping Date |
货物交付 | Cargo Delivery |
运输工具 | Transport Equipment |
运输管理 | Transportation Management |
海运费 | Ocean Freight Charges |
海洋运输 | Ocean Shipping |
空运费 | Air Freight Charges |
空中运输 | Air Transport |
海关审查 | Customs Inspection |
中转港 | Transshipment Port |
提前支付 | Advance Payment |
货代公司 | Freight Forwarder |
运输链 | Supply Chain |
8. 国际货运中的常见单证
中文术语 | 英文术语 |
提单 | Bill of Lading (B/L) |
空运单 | Air Waybill (AWB) |
商业发票 | Commercial Invoice |
装箱单 | Packing List |
运输单据 | Transport Document |
进口许可证 | Import License |
出口许可证 | Export License |
保险单 | Insurance Certificate |
原产地证书 | Certificate of Origin (CO) |
进口报关单 | Import Declaration Form |
出口报关单 | Export Declaration Form |