
2024-12-03 14:26发布





[1] 标题:

Account Appeal Regarding [账户问题简要描述,如“Listing Removal”或“Account Suspension”]

[2] 开头:

Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to appeal the suspension/restriction/issue of my Amazon Seller Account (Account Name: [您的账户名称] / Seller ID: [您的卖家ID]) due to [描述问题,比如“policy violation”, “suspension”, “account health issue” 等] on [日期].

[3] 解释问题:

I understand the importance of maintaining a high standard of compliance with Amazon's policies and guidelines. I acknowledge that my account was flagged for [简述造成问题的具体原因,例如“violating Amazon's intellectual property policies,” “not fulfilling the orders on time,” “customer complaints regarding product quality” 等]. I take full responsibility for this issue and am committed to resolving it promptly.

[4] 解决方案与行动计划:

To prevent this issue from recurring, I have taken the following actions:

  1. [列出您已经采取的具体措施或改进,例如“Revised product listings to meet Amazon's standards,” “Improved packaging to prevent damage during shipping,” “Implemented a new quality control process” 等].

  2. [列出额外的改进措施,如“Working with a third-party service to monitor inventory levels,” “Updating training for staff handling shipments”].

  3. [列出任何其他相关的措施,如“Contacting customers to resolve outstanding issues,” “Reimbursement to customers,” 等].

Additionally, I have attached [证明文件,如“screenshots of the actions taken,” “updated listings,” “correspondence with customers”] for your review.

[5] 重申承诺:

I take Amazon's policies very seriously and understand the importance of providing a safe and reliable shopping experience for our customers. I assure you that I am fully committed to complying with Amazon's guidelines and policies moving forward.

[6] 请求恢复账户:

In light of the actions I have taken to resolve the issue, I kindly request the reinstatement of my account. I value being part of the Amazon seller community and would be grateful for the opportunity to continue offering my products to Amazon customers.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.



  1. 具体且真实:

    • 对于被暂停或限制的具体原因,要明确说明,切勿含糊其辞。

  2. 提出行动计划:

    • 重点是展示你已经采取的纠正措施,以及如何避免问题的再次发生。亚马逊通常要求卖家提供一个具体的行动计划(POA,Plan of Action),并确保所有措施是真正解决问题的。

  3. 附上证明文件:

    • 提供相关的证明材料,如更改后的商品列表、邮件沟通记录、与客户的互动等,增强申诉的可信度。

  4. 保持简洁和礼貌:

    • 尽量简洁地表述问题,避免使用情绪化或过长的句子,保持礼貌和专业。

  5. 及时提交:

    • 及时提交申诉信和相关材料,避免因拖延影响结果。


  1. 账户暂停(Account Suspension)

    • 账户因违反政策、无效订单处理或产品质量问题等被暂停。卖家需要提交详细的解决方案和改进措施。

  2. 违规行为申诉(Policy Violation)

    • 如果因为违反某些政策(如侵权、虚假宣传等)而受到处罚,卖家需要阐明问题并提出改进措施。

  3. 产品下架(Listing Removal)

    • 如果某些商品因违反政策而下架,卖家需要证明已采取措施以确保商品符合亚马逊政策。

  4. 客户投诉或退货问题

    • 如果因客户投诉、退货或退款问题导致账户健康受影响,卖家需要提供改进计划和相关证明。

  5. 账户健康问题(Account Health Issues)

    • 亚马逊会定期检查卖家的账户健康,包括迟发货、退货率高等问题,卖家需要提供措施以降低风险。


  • 不提交无关信息:避免提交无关的信息或过于冗长的解释。

  • 避免情绪化表达:尽量避免使用愤怒或不满的语气,保持冷静和专业。

  • 不断跟进:如果申诉没有及时得到回应,可以适时跟进,确保案件进展。


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